white-collar and corporate crimes

criminal defense lawyers


Prof. Lupária Law Firm offers to its Clients a wide range of legal services over the criminal law and litigation area. It mainly focuses on white-collar crimes, business crimes, financial crimes, tax crimes, fraud, insolvency and cyber-crimes.
Special attention is also given to the liability of corporations for crimes committed, in their interest or advantage, by their directors or employees. Within this area, the Law Firm has also acquired a notable experience in developing the compliance programs and models set out in order to prevent corporate crimes. Furthermore, some of the lawyers of the Firm are part, as president or member, of Supervisory Boards of primary Italian companies.

The complexity of the practice areas requires specific skills that the Firm reaches thanks to the cooperation with Professors of Law and lawyers with years of experience.

Our Clients include individuals, corporations and listed companies, either in Italy and internationally.

According to Lupária Law Firm, the Judiciary Defense – including the criminal proceedings either before the Upper and Lower Courts and before the Supreme Court – plays a primary role, and it is carried out with a deep consideration of the procedural and international profiles.

The Law Firm’s mission is to offer highly qualified legal services through a team of expert lawyers, who are capable to assist and to represent Clients within the entire criminal proceedings, ensuring the most appropriate response to different needs.
The international relationships developed over the years, together with the academic and research activities, give a worth asset to the Law Firm that aims for excellence.


Lupária Law Firm specializes in the following practice areas:


The department of corporate crimes and insolvency (R.D. n. 267/1942) deals with: fraudulent bankruptcy and corporate bankruptcy; false corporate communications; false communications to the Auditing Companies; lack of control; undue contributions restitution; unlawful restitution of income and reserve capital; unlawful transaction on shares; participation and shares of the holding company; transactions adversely affecting creditors; feigned capital formation; undue restitution of contributions by liquidators; unlawful influence on the Company meeting; rigging the market; obstruction to the supervisory activity of a Public Authority; non-disclosure of the conflict of interest; abuse of privilege information and market manipulation.


The Firm has also a wide experience on tax crimes, such as: fraudulent misrepresentation using invoices for non-existing transactions; misrepresentation; non-representation; releasing invoices for non-existing transactions; concealment or destruction of accounting records; failure to pay certified withholding taxes; fraudulent subtraction of payment taxes; failure to pay VAT and undue set-off.


The Firm has also a notable experience with reference to crimes of money laundering; self-laundering; receiving and using money or goods coming from unlawful origin; usury, counterfeiting and alteration of identification marks of intellectual property or industrial goods; introduction and trade of goods with false signs; breach of the liberty of the industry and commerce; frauds against industry and commerce; intellectual and industrial property crimes and customs offences.



Lupária Law Firm deals also with computer and new technologies crimes: unauthorized access into computer systems; unauthorized detention and distribution of access codes; unauthorized distribution of devices; use of devices to cause damage or destroy computer systems; cyber wiretapping, hindrance or unlawful interruption of data communications; use of cyber wiretapping devices; damaging of information, data and computer systems, also of public relevance, and networks; violation of privacy and data protection law.


The Firm also assists and represents Clients within cases related to professional liabilities, especially regarding the medical malpractice; manslaughter; personal injuries; crimes committed within workplaces and illegal recruitment; libel; abuse of professional practice; financial malpractice.


Luca Lupária Law Firm assists Clients in case of crimes related to waste, water and environmental pollution; international and national corruption, also among private parties; embezzlement; fraud against the State or public entities, also aimed at obtaining public funds.


The Firm provides judicial assistance to companies under investigation and trial according to Legislative Decree no 231/2001 within criminal proceedings related to crimes allegedly committed in their interest or advantage.

The team specialized in the “231 sector” carries out counseling activity for the adoption and implementation of the compliance models (Organizational, Management and Control Model), along the organizational criteria imposed by the Italian Legislative Decree no 231/2001.


Lupária Law Firm includes many lawyers and law professors specialized in white collar crimes, who are able to meet all of our Clients’ needs.

Professor Lupária, head of the Firm, is Full Professor of Criminal Procedure, well-known professional within Italian Courts and advisor of leading companies and global players working in Italy.

The lawyers who work within the Firm and those who collaborate as “of counsel” are involved in cases depending on client’s needs and the peculiarities of the issue.

The Law Firm set up a collaboration agreement with Professor Cuocolo Law Firm (Prof. Cuocolo is professor at the University of Genova and at the Bocconi University of Milan), an Italian independent Law Firm in Genoa with a wide experience in administrative law, bank regulation and counseling on behalf of Public Institutions.The professionals of the Firm have established a strong cooperation, but they still remain independent, since we think that the independence is the first requirement for the legal profession.

The main Office of the Firm is in Milan. In addition to the one based in Genoa, the Firm has local units also in Rome and Paris.


Prof. Avv. Lorenzo Cuocolo (o.c.)
Prof. Avv. Hervè Belluta (o.c.)
Prof. Avv. Mitja Gialuz (o.c.)


Avv. Martina Cagossi
Avv. Giorgia Cesana
Avv. Giulia Garofalo

Avv. Biagio Monzillo
Avv. Veronica Porati
Avv. Pietro Zaramella


Lupária Law Firm includes many lawyers and law professors specialized in white collar crimes, who are able to meet all of our Clients’ needs.

Professor Lupária, head of the Firm, is Full Professor of Criminal Procedure, well-known professional within Italian Courts and advisor of leading companies and global players working in Italy.

The lawyers who work within the Firm and those who collaborate as “of counsel” are involved in cases depending on client’s needs and the peculiarities of the issue.

The Law Firm set up a collaboration agreement with Professor Cuocolo Law Firm (Prof. Cuocolo is professor at the University of Genova and at the Bocconi University of Milan), an Italian independent Law Firm in Genoa with a wide experience in administrative law, bank regulation and counseling on behalf of Public Institutions.The professionals of the Firm have established a strong cooperation, but they still remain independent, since we think that the independence is the first requirement for the legal profession.

The main Office of the Firm is in Milan, but it is also in Genoa and Rome.


Prof. Avv. Lorenzo Cuocolo (O.C.)
Avv. Valentina Cuocolo
Avv. Carlo Lucioni
Avv. Alessandro Candido


Prof. Avv. Hervè Belluta
Avv. Pietro Zaramella
Avv. Veronica Porati
Avv. Giorgia Cesana

Avv. Chiara Padovani (O.C.)
Avv. Simona Adamo
Avv. Giulia Angiolini
Dott. Francesco Tamburri


  • Luca Lupária, G. Canzio (ed.), Diritto e procedura penale delle società, Giuffrè, 2022
  • Luca Lupária, G. Canzio (ed.), Prova scientifica e processo penale, Kluwer, 2022 (II ed.)
  • Luca Lupária, Sulla società chiamata a rispondere civilmente nel rito penale, in Le Società, 4, 2022
  • Luca Lupária (co-ed.), Compliance 231. Modelli Organizzativi e OdV tra prassi applicative ed esperienze di settore, Gruppo 24ore, 2022 (II ed.)
  • Luca Lupária, La procédure pénale entre droit comparé et justice européenne, Giappichelli, 2021
  • Luca Lupária, Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Courts. Opportunity or Threat, in A. M. Lopez Rodriguez (ed.), Legal Challenges in the New Digital Age, Leiden, 2021, p. 160
  • Luca Lupária, La nueva cara de la ejecución penal en Italia: desarrollos y perspectivas, in Revista Vasca de Derecho Procesal y Arbitraje, 1, 2021, p. 29
  • Luca Lupária, L’errore giudiziario, Giuffré, 2021
  • Luca Lupária, Codice sistematico di procedura penale, V edizione, Giappichelli, 2020
  • Luca Lupária, El derecho a guardar silencio y la autoincriminacion de la persona juridica en Italia, in Revista Vasca de Derecho Procesal, 2020, p. 84
  • Luca Lupária, Data retention e processo penale: un’occasione mancata per prendere i diritti davvero sul serio, in Diritto di Internet, 4, 2019, p. 753
  • Luca Lupária, The Italian Criminal Procedure Thirty Years after the Great Reform, in Roma Tre Law Review, 1, 2019, p. 24
  • Luca Lupária, Preuve et enterprise au temps des logiques de négocation: la perspective italienne, in P. Beauvais, R. Parizot (eds.), Les transformations de la preuve pénale, L.G.D.J, 2018, p. 237
  • Luca Lupária, L. Marafioti, G. Paolozzi (eds.), Diritti fondamentali e processo all’ente. L’accertamento della responsabilità d’impresa nella giustizia penale italiana e spagnola, Giappichelli, 2018
  • Luca Lupária, F. Taroni, J. Vuille, Scientific evidence and the right to a fair trial under Article 6 ECHR, in 16 Law, Probability and Risk, 2017, p. 55-68
  • Luca Lupária, Model Code or Broken Dream? The Italian Criminal Procedure in a Comparative Perspective, in M. Gialuz, L. Lupária and F. Scarpa (eds.), The Italian Code of Criminal Procedure. Critical Essays and English Translation, Kluwer, 2017, p. 1
  • Luca Lupária, F. Taroni, J. Vuille, La prova del DNA nella pronuncia della Cassazione sul caso Amanda Knox e Raffaele Sollecito, in Diritto Penale Contemporaneo, 12 aprile 2016
  • Luca Lupária, Contrasto alla criminalità economica e ruolo del processo penale: orizzonti comparativi e vedute nazionali, in Processo Penale e Giustizia, 5, 2015
  • Luca Lupária (ed.), Understanding wrongful conviction. The protection of the innocent across Europe and America, Kluwer, 2015
  • Luca Lupária (ed.), Victims and criminal justice. European standards and national good practices, Kluwer, 2015
  • Luca Lupária, La litispendenza internazionale. Tra ne bis in idem europeo e processo penale italiano, Giuffrè, 2012
  • Luca Lupária (ed.), Internet provider e giustizia penale. Modelli di responsabilità e forme di collaborazione processuale, Giuffrè, 2012
  • Luca Lupária, La police judiciaire dans le procès pénal italien : questions anciennes et scénarios inédits, in Archives de politique criminelle, 2011, p. 163
  • Luca Lupária, Computer crimes e procedimento penale, in Trattato di procedura penale, directed by G. Spangher, vol. VII, Utet, 2011, p. 369
  • Luca Lupária, Liquidatore del concordato e bancarotta societaria: il ripudio di una analogia in malam partem, in Le Società, 2011, p. 327
  • Luca Lupária, Latitanza, contumacia e novazione probatoria in appello, in Processo penale e giustizia, 2011, p. 97


Here follows a list of the articles related to Luca Lupária Law Firm, its members or assisted cases, and published in the press or on TV.

  • Da impresa a rischio sfruttamento e frodi a modello di gestione preventiva dei reati (by L. Ferrarella, Corriere della Sera, 16.7.2022)
  • Genova, inizia il maxi processo per il crollo di Ponte Morandi: 350 parti civili. Udienza subito aggiornata al 12 settembre (by M. Lignana, La Repubblica, 7.7.2022)
  • Incidente sul Lago di Como: “La vita spezzata di Luca merita giustizia”. Il Giorno, 3.10.2021
  • Guardiano d’Europa. Al via la nuova Procura EU contro i reati transnazionali. Intervista al Prof. Luparia (Private, September 2021)
  • I nomi della commissione per la riforma penale. Il Sole24 ore, 16.3.2021
  • 100 Professionals 2021, Forbes Italia, March 2021
  • Niente truffa. Fotovoltaico. Assolto in Appello il big russo (Corriere della Sera, 23.1.2021)
  • Fine del commissariamento per Ceva Logistics Italia (by Raffaella Calandra, Il Sole24 ore, 25.2.2020)
  • Il caso degli articoli scientifici. “Non c’è stato nessun reato” (by Luigi Ferrarella, Il Corriere della Sera, 22.11.2019)
  • Interview to Luca Luparia, The New York Times, 15.6.2019
  • Caporalato anche nella logistica. Multinazionale commissariata (Il Sole24 ore, 18.5.2019)
  • Salvare gli innocenti è nel mio DNA. Intervista a Barry Scheck (Il Venerdì di Repubblica, 1.12.2017)
  • Intervista al Prof. Luca Lupária (Petrolio, Rai 1, 2.5.2016)
  • Intervista al Prof. Luca Lupária (Corriere del Ticino, 21.1.2016, p. 3)
  • Intervista al Prof. Luca Lupária (Radio Radicale, Il rovescio del diritto, 18.09.2015)
  • Raddoppio ferroviario, dall’udienza preliminare arrivano i primi verdetti (La Stampa, 2.07.2015,p.47)
  • Intervista al Prof. Luca Lupária (Sky Tg24, 23.03.2015)
  • Intervista al Prof. Luca Lupária (by Andrew Frye, Bloomberg.com, 20.06.2014)
  • Attualità giudiziaria. Intervista al Prof. Luca Lupária (LA7, 11.04.2014, ore 11.00)
  • Le parti civili: “Fu un olocausto. Ora paghi” (by Paolo Grosso, La Prealpina, 29.01.2013, p. 11)
  • Attualità giudiziaria. Intervista al Prof. Luca Lupária (TG2, 25.01.2013, ore 18.30)
  • Porto: occupazione di aree demaniali (by Maurizio Vezzaro, La Stampa, Edizione di Imperia, 21.01.2013)
  • Disabile insultato in un video. Assolti i manager di Google (by Luca Fazzo, Il Giornale, 21.12.2012)
  • Privacy. Il processo (by Luigi Ferrarella, Il Corriere della Sera, 12.12.12, p. 27)
  • Giudici e scienza (La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, ed. Bari, 09.12.12, p. 25)
  • Seconda perizia. Il padre killer non è un pazzo (La Prealpina, 01.12.12, p. 13)
  • Vittime e poteri di impulso. Intervista al Prof. Luca Lupária (Rai, Radio1, La radio ne parla, 10.10.12)
  • Inchiesta sulle concessioni nei porti di Oneglia e San Lazzaro (by Maurizio Vezzaro, La Stampa, Edizione di Imperia, 26.09.2012)
  • Delitto senza castigo. Intervista a Luca Lupária (by Paola Zanca, Il Fatto quotidiano, 25.02.2011, p. 2)
  • Pavia Operazione «Dirty Energy». L’accusa: rifiuti tossici inceneriti assieme alle biomasse (by Luigi Corvi, Corriere della Sera, 18 novembre 2010, p. 15).
  • Il crac Banca Popolare di Garanzia (by Mauro Pertile, Il Mattino di Padova, 22.06.2010, p. 3)
  • Le vittime di stalking. Intervista a Luca Luparia (Gente, 26.05.2009, p. 21)
  • Truffe on line. A Milano il primo grande processo (by Alessandro Longo, Il Sole24Ore, Nòva, 30.10.2008, p. 4)
  • Intercettazioni Telecom (by Olga Piscitelli, Il Piccolo, 01.02.2007)
  • Intrusione RCS (by Luigi Ferrarella, Il Corriere della Sera, 02.02.2007, p. 20)
  • Intercettazioni. L’inchiesta sugli hackeraggi condotti dagli ex Security della compagnia (by Raffaella Calandra, Il Sole24Ore, 06.11.2007)
  • Scalata Antonveneta. Bankitalia agisca contro Fazio (Il Corriere della Sera, 19.12.2007)
  • Il caso BPI (La Repubblica, 19.12.2007)



Viale Bianca Maria, 13 – 20122
T. +39.02.87243674
F. +39.02.87243673
E. info@studioluparia.it


Via Goffredo Mameli, 3
16122 – Genova


Via Marcello Prestinari, 15
00195 – Roma



20 Rue de Condé
75006 – Paris





Viale Bianca Maria, 13 – 20122 – Milan
P. +39.02.87243674 – F. +39.02.87243673
E. info@studioluparia.it


Via Goffredo Mameli, 3

16122 – Genova




Via Marcello Prestinari, 15

00195 – Roma

E. desk@studioluparia.it


20 Rue de Condé

75006 – Paris